Nof1 trial app

Proof of concept app to administer Nof1 trials

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Week 3

End of another week, and the questionnaire has finally gone out to the world. It will be interesting to see where it goes and what we get back. Jeremy has asked for responses by the end of July, as that is when we are aiming to have v1.0 ready for release however that seems an unlikely deadline if I know academics. Still, once I have written up the documentation, screenshots and have a Play link, it should be relatively painless to forward that on to anyone inquiring.


In terms of publishing on Google Play, we are waiting for Finance to give us the money, then I can set up an account and begin putting together the promo material. That might mean I have to delve into the world of graphic design, a daunting prospect. This is only a beta (or possibly alpha) release, so I guess people can’t expect everything to be polished.

Preferences Preferences2

The app itself is progressing nicely. I pretty much have all the core stuff made, its now just a matter of ensuring it all does what it should and make it nicer and easier to use. Also some of the graphic/design needs a bit of work. Then, lets see what bugs the (hopefully) massive crowd of testers will find. It shall be an interesting month, watching the reports come in and seeing whether it all works, or crashes miserably.


I implemented a rough form of emailing the form data to the doctor and pharmacist. This was just using an intent that sends the email off to G-Mail, or whatever other email program the user has. Unfortunately the handling of attachments in android is weird. In fact it downright doesn’t make any sense.

QuestionBuilder QuestionBuilder2

Apparently I can attach a file to an email if the file is stored on the external SD card, but if the file is on internal storage then it just will not work. At all. Apart from that one time it did work, when I wasn’t expecting it, but now I can’t remember how I managed it and nothing else I do will work. Sometimes all this android stuff just feels like a massive hack.


On a totally unrelated note, I came home today to a lovely note from my (now thankfully ex-)housemate saying “Sorry, but I had to break the kitchen door window to get in”. The perfect end to a Friday. The landlord is trying to get it fixed soon, so that should be alright. At least I will never have to live with him again.
